Abdom inal viscera
Superior mesenteric artery
► ►
Small intestine
Large intestine
A colica media
A. marginalis coll
A. colica dextra
A. ileocolica
A caecal is posterior
A. appendicularis
A mesenterica superior
Aa. jejunales
Aa ileales
A mesenterica inferior
Fig. 1068 a-d
Variability of the branches of the superior
mesenteric artery, A. mesenterica superior, supplying the large
'Textbook case", the ascending and the transverse colon,
Colon ascendens et transversum, are supplied by three
The ileocolic artery, A. ileocolica, and the right colic artery,
A. colica dextra, form a common trunk,
Only two branches arise from the mesenteric artery while
the right colic artery, A. colica dextra, is absent,
d Duplication of the right colic artery, A. colica dextra
Fig. 1069
Superior mesenteric artery, A. mesenterica superior;
* Catheter in the aorta
AP-radiograph after injection of a contrast medium into the
** Catheter in the common iliac artery
origin of the superior mesenteric artery;
ventral view